Romanticism and Time: Literary Temporalities, ed. Sophie Laniel-Musitelli and Céline Sabiron (Open Book Pubishers, 2021). This collection of essays originating in an international conference organised by our partner organisation SERA (Société d’Études du Romantisme Anglais) is available for free pdf download via the publisher’s website. The volume includes a roundtable on ‘Romanticism and Periodisation’ chaired by David Duff, with Nicholas Halmi, Fiona Stafford, Martin Procházka and Laurent Folliot.
Special issues of the international journal Litteraria Pragensia based on our 2017 Paris symposium on Wordsworth: The French Connection and 2018 symposium on Exiles, Émigrés and Expatriates in Romantic-Era Paris and London can be accessed free of charge by clicking the links below. This journal is now Open Access.